We have a new flock of ducks that are making the pond their home. Mom loves ducks so she won't let us chase them like we did the geese. They don't make as big of a mess in the field and they never come up by the house. The rains have started and we are hoping the pond will fill up more now, it has dropped almost four feet since we bough

The quiet is so peaceful and we had a wonderful visitor this weekend. Our neighbors, two properties to the west, have a nesting eagle, and he (she) stopped in to check out the fishing. Mom got some great pictures. He just landed with his feet in the water at the edge of the pond and surveyed the quiet surface - just waiting for anything to jump. Nothing did. I think our fish are too smart. But he sat there for quite a while, then quietly lifted off the waters edge and flew around the field, checking for mice. The resident hawks chased him away, but it was fun to watch him hunt. My ophthalmologist says they have such good eyesight because they have two maculas. That's the area of the interior eye where the optic nerve comes through. I wonder if they have two of those as well. Hmm. I'll have to ask.

Well, I will leave you with another wonderful island sunset. We sure love to sit on the deck and watch old Sol go down. I'm actually staying with my uncle Fred this week, since Elektra's in season. She is my dog mom after all. I'll update you when I get back.