Marti and Tessa were here for a few days and they had fun in the wild winds of Whidbey, flying the kites and watching Elektra and Cedar chase them. They couldn't figure out what their facination was with the whizzing bits of cloth, but Elektra wanted to kill them every time they hit the ground. Maybe it was the spinning tails or just the whirring and flapping noise that they made. Either way, she injured Marti's kite and it had to have a quick duct tape repair before setting aloft again.
Momma Terri, Daddy Mike and the Sahlin's spent this last Saturday paying their respects at the traveling wall up in Bellingham. No, they aren't joining a biker gang. This was the group of motorized patriots and veterans, that met at the rest stop north of Bowe Edison and rode as a memorial group up to the park in Bellingham for a ceramony and an hororary slaute ride past the wall and the 4 mounted pannels that held dog tags commemorating those lost in the current Iraqi conflict.

Iraqi Conflict dogtags commemorating Operation Enduring Freedom.

Waiting to pay our repsects to the memorials and the fallen heros they represent.

Making the ride.
Whatever your politics, mom thinks we should put it aside and remember that heros are fighting in a foreign country, away from their families, so we can keep our freedoms and to defend those of others. We strive to always remember them.

Since I'm hanging with Fred and Ginger now at Auntie Tamara and Uncle Kevin's, Cedar will be taking over the Diary. I'll still keep her posted on what I do and visit island house when I can. In the mean time, have an awesome summer.