Sun Bathing - June 15, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood - I heard that somewhere. Sunny Seattle - huh? Well it happens on occasion and today is one of those days. It's Father's Day and my daddy dog is with his family up north. I've not really seen much of him, but should in the near future. His name's Tucker and he lives with our friends, Mike and Kathy in Lynnwood. I hear that we may go head to head in the show ring and Nana Kathy says I look better than him - we'll see what the judges think. Anyway, back to the sun. Woohoo, here I am with granny Mitzi, basking in the yard. It's so warm and we love to roll in the grass and get all dirty.

My momma dog, Elektra takes sun bathing very seriously. She likes to lay near the fence to get the warming effect off the boards. And here's Cedar. Remember when you were a kid and you'd jump out of the pool and head for the warm cement to lay and dry off? That's Cedar - she likes the warmth and reflective powers of the tops on the septic tank. Go figure.

Then there's auntie Lilly and cousin Kaitlyn.
They hang out indoors on the comfy bed in the
computer room with mom. I think it's just because they want to be closer to any food that might appear on the desk if mom goes for a snack. They don't know what they're missing.

Well, I gotta run. Dad's gonna mow and I love to help.

See ya,

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