The indoor ring was way different. It was at a fairgrounds area and we were in a horse arena or something. The floor was dirt and smelled like large animals. It was way cold up there too. They still have snow on the ground and Elektra and I took forever to find the right potty places. We had to search around our hotel - which was really nice but didn't have much grass to speak of. Mom and Nana froze their hands and feet helping us look. The rooms were nice and the next morning we had breakfast in the room. Mom set off the fire alarm making toast and Elektra hid under a chair. No fire trucks came though and they didn't even yell at us.
When we got back to island house on Sunday, I
pretty much passed out and so did everyone else.

Dad and Oppah spent the day chasing mice in Arlington under a crawl space. Lilly was going to help them, but they didn't let her go down because it was too icky. She found a dead rat at island house though, after stalking around the heater vents for a couple of weeks. It must have gotten the special food mom and dad left for it and over eaten. He was totally stiff and dad threw him out so nobody got to play with it.

I should tell you that we had a really fun Christmas and New Years at island house. We still had lots of snow up until the day after New Years and some of the pond is still frozen and slushy. Here's Cedar and Dolly all dressed up under the tree. I don't think they really liked the dressing up, but they looked very festive. We laid around by the wood stove, watched some TV and ate junk food. I think our humans did the same thing, but they played a few games too.
Well, we are home in Bellevue for a few days and have to catch up on a bunch of stuff. I sure wish this house would rent or sell. We want to stay up at island house all the time. Just look at the beautiful sunsets we get to enjoy.

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