We have a new computer room too, with a view of the pond. There's plenty of room under the desks for our special dog bed and Cedar even gets special treatment sometimes. Nana Kathy lets her sit on her desk in a tiny bed and covers her with a blanket.

Watching the weather come in over the Straits of Juan de Fuca has become a wonderful novelty. The cloud formations are so awesome and make some of the most interesting shapes and colors across the canvas outside the windows. Winter keeps cropping up whenever it feels the urge, and though today is sunny and bright, the pond looked like this just 2 weeks ago. It makes life exciting and different. Mom says, "It sure beats sitting in traffic on 148th." Whatever that is.

Despite the peacefulness of island house, we have had some excitement in the last week. This is Maddie. She's very pregnant in this picture and, like all of us, loves to sit in the sun and bake on the cement of the car port.

This last Tuesday, she went in to labor and gave birth to eight puppies. Mom and Nana Kathy helped her of course and she had the job done in just over three hours. The rest of us were stuck "behind bars" in the kitchen, but it was better that way. I didn't want to see that yuky stuff anyway. Elektra was all worked up, she kept wanting to lick the puppies and help keep them warm. I don't see what the big deal is, they're too little to play with anyway. There were five girls and three boys - six creams and two black and cream. The puppies have all gained weight and are very healthy. I can hardly wait until they're about 5 weeks old and big enough to chase around the yard.

Well, we gotta go and unload some stuff off the trailer. Mom made a trip down to Bellevue yesterday to bring back the washer and dryer. I'll leave you with another wonderful Whidbey sunset.

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